Tuesday, December 30, 2008

working with Eclipse again
rehat bentar dulu
melanjutkan koding

Monday, December 29, 2008

habis makan siang, nguantuk banget

Friday, December 26, 2008

pusing, bikin modul drupal
libur-libur internetan di kantor drilling

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

kembali dari istirahat, hari ini puanasse poll, mungkin nanti sore hujan
ternyata g dikasih ijin sama plc, hiks..hiks..hiks..
Horeee, besok libur panjang....

Monday, December 22, 2008

findout how to browser drupal api when offline
cck ternyata sejenis scaffold atau wufoo versi offline
bos2 lagi pada rapat, sij tertunda
belajar drupal form api dan database api
bismillahirrohmainrrahim, mulai kerja lagi

Sunday, December 21, 2008

is learning drupal's database API
klo browser ny g support javascript gimana ya?
masih ngantuk....
is reading drupal API
is writing drupal module

Thursday, December 18, 2008

blajar bikin module drupal
Alhamdulillah chapter 2 pro drupal development selesai
devel module, http://ping.fm/kQ1sj is very recommended for developing drupal
"variable_delete" in drupal 6.8 has been deprecated, use "variable_del" instead
is learning how to make drupal module

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

downloading drupal book
habis ke dept drillling, sekarang di dept. teknik

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Drupal makes use of the inversion of control design pattern, in which modular functionality is called by the framework at the appropriate time.
is learning drupal
kok pagi2 gini dah ngantuk...

Monday, December 15, 2008

ojt == ora jelas tenan
horeee bentar lagi istirahat
pos biasa kurang terpercaya, tiki aja lah
kunci kos ku di jogja di kirim pake apa ya?
user=mawan_a pass=wawan
judul kkw ku kok sama dengan punya eko????
mudah2an hari ini judul kkw ku disetujui

Sunday, December 14, 2008

ups salah, ternyata gambar pertamina-ep yang di yahoo mail dari proxy
sedang mencoba download ebook
Tanjung hujan lagi eei
sedang buat proposal kkw
pertamina ngiklan di Yahoo
sekarang di rumah tinggal ber enam, yang tiga balik ke ubep tanjung pusat

Monday, December 8, 2008

minggu kedua di tanjung, hari idul adha kemarin kesulitan cari makan hiks..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

browsing about cmms
senam pagi pertama di Tanjung

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

browsing cmms, computerized maintenance management system
di kantor teknik & pf, tanjung, kalsel

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

insyaalloh jam 10 berangkat ke Bandara
insyalloh besok k tanjung

Saturday, November 22, 2008

last day in Cirebon, next 3 months will be in Tanjung, South Kalimantan

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

just getting English course, now preparing to sleep

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

just getting SAP course
trying google chrome

Monday, November 17, 2008

just getting course from schlumberger and halliburton
Alhamdulillah, mp3 player baru, makasih kudz

Saturday, November 15, 2008

ebook gratis, penjelasan tuntas seputar mlm
Alhamdulillah, install ati driver success
installing ati driver for ubuntu
Lapar, nunggu sarapan pagi
Alhamdulillah malam ini g ada acara apa2
alhamdulillah, selese baca harry potter
reading harry potter again

Friday, November 14, 2008

habis main pingpong, capek....
Alhamdulillah ojt ke sumatera
Welcome to Sumatera, Prabumulih...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

pengajar cobit, pak Eko Indrajit, praktisi IT sekaligus pesulap kartu yang handal
Pengajar cisco dari inixindo alumni ilmu komputer UGM 99
Alhamdulillah selesai juga materi cisco dan cobit nya

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

lagi rame nih di kamar, pada ngenet pake wifi

Monday, November 10, 2008

Alhamdulillah, masih dapat kesempatan hidup satu hari lagi

Sunday, November 9, 2008

makan donat gratizan

Saturday, November 8, 2008

kamar ku rame, soalnya dekat access point wifi
watching naruto the movie
alhamdulillah habis makan mi instan
download sang pemimpi ebook
is reading harry potter ebook

Friday, November 7, 2008

is using speedy via wifi
Alhamdulillah dapat sarapan gratis lagi
pusing, materi ujiannya buanyak banget, mana teori semua lagi
ternyata ubuntu 8.10 dah keluar
is learning "introduction to drilling operation"
just upgrade my ubuntu kernel
belajar buat ujian besok

Thursday, November 6, 2008

habis kelas bahasa inggris
habis makan ikan bakar, enak alhamdulillah
capek abis class room

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

lagi ngenet bareng temen2 bps
are there any alternative to schlumberger's geoframe?
looking for g&g software

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

habis senam pagi n sarapan
lagi classroom training nih di PatraJasa Cirebon
Alhamdulillah akhirnya bisa online juga dari Cirebon

Sunday, October 12, 2008

pelatihan di cirebon

Thursday, October 9, 2008

listening to radiorodja.com, "Nasihat bagi muslim setelah ramadhan"
Alhamdulillah dah balik k Jogja, insyaalloh nanti malam k Cirebon

Saturday, September 27, 2008

insyalloh bentar lagi mudik

Friday, September 19, 2008

cuti dari kerjaan odesk.com

Thursday, September 18, 2008

reading ai book

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

funndy programming cartoon, http://xkcd.com/327/
open lecture from stanford, http://ping.fm/HcDim
intro to regex, http://ping.fm/F8mlM
now reading about threads
reading operating system book
founders at work author interviewed by jessica livingston, do u understand this joke?, http://ping.fm/Fw3SV
downloading java and netbeans

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

adobe air is just another "Java"
using emacs
testing adobe air for linux
bulan ramadhan == sawm ramadhan, kok mirip bahasa arab ya? as saum
is writing email, to friend
getting 500 error, when try to update GAE application

Monday, September 15, 2008

is reading operating system concept book
facebook like dialog created with jquery, http://ping.fm/5Uiuk
tiket pesawat ke Makassar super mahal, kyknya harus mikir2 lagi bakal mudik atw tidak
mo pesan tiket bwat mudik

Saturday, September 13, 2008

is learning fuzzy logic
sambil tahan kantuk koding python...
testing dropbox
i want to code with Java, but not with Java, just falling in love with python and ruby, JRuby vs Jython which one is bettter?
python vs ruby http://ping.fm/ZwRv4
fixing my ubuntu comp, it's package manger not works well
nyari buku statistik

Thursday, September 11, 2008

using google docs and gears
is configuring dns

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

is debugging jquery application
lg mo kerja
what's new on social media?
Alhamdulillah dapat bonus...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

jadwal diundur, padahal tidak bawa laptop ngapain ya.....
berita penuk KESYIRIKAN kayak gini kok masuk berita ramadhan, http://ping.fm/QB0UH
lagi nunggu downloadan buku logika samar...
Nunggu buka sambil nulis javascript...
saya sudah baca harry potter, naruto, dan ayat2 cinta, tapi semua nya tidak ada apa2 ny dibanding "sandiwara langit" karya abu umar ba'asyir (bukan abu bakar ba'asyir), sangat inspiratif

Monday, September 8, 2008

nyontoh ui dan ux google calendar, standing on the giant shoulder
is thinking how to solve a problem

Sunday, September 7, 2008

is using audacity, although it has critical bug (could not playback imported audio)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

looking for fuzzy logic book
is configuring google apps and google app engine
bentar lagi buka insyaalloh

Friday, September 5, 2008

is debugging django app
Positive, i was completely wrong, before, User model is inside appengine_django.auth modul
sorry, it seems i was wrong, Users model is provided by Django appengine helper..
Hey, just realized, appengine create User automatically although we used Google Account
Alhamdulillah berhasil download tafsir ibnu katsir jilid 1

Thursday, September 4, 2008

tafsir ibnu katsir gratis, http://ping.fm/c9LVx
nunggu buka sambil nulis pake Eclipse
kajian ramdhan online, http://ping.fm/JHR01

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

habis istirahat, insyaalloh g pusing kayak kemarin lagi
take a rest, after 3 hours coding session

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

kosong nih, terpaksa koding python aja
kok sejak pagi aku pusing ya....
satu lagi ni link bermanfaat, http://ping.fm/664vq
request for Google Chrome team: it will be great if we can reuse Firefox plugin in Google Chrome
kerja di odesk,com sambil nunggu buka, lumayan buat nambah2 THR, (--senyum--)

Monday, September 1, 2008

reading google chrome comics
ada yang punya film short circuit I?
logika samar, betul2 samar

Sunday, August 31, 2008

working with pencil again
time to work
downloading operating system book
it's official shaum is today, 1st september 2008
programming language review by google's engineer, http://ping.fm/mHGea
nunggu dosen
kok belum ada pengumuman awal puasa dari depag ya..., still waiting for "ulil amri" decision
watching arsenal vs newcastle highlight
is writing javascript app with jquery, (it's very fun lol)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

nanti sore jangan lupa nonton tv atau liat situs depag.go.id, biar tau ramadhan besok atau lusa
Senin, masuk jam 7 lagi
akan tetapi sangatjarang mereka itu mengambil satu ayat atau sepenggal hadits (sebagai dasar atau rujukan) kecuali sekedar untuk tabarruk (mengharapkan berkah)
Alhamdulillah, success creating php script that contains rich text editor (my friend asked me to teach him about this)
writing php script that incorporate rich text editor stuff
olahraga2 yang terlarang, http://ping.fm/PqTh5
first ping to friendster
olahraga-olahraga yang terlarang, http://ping.fm/97Lc1
ngantuk, mo istirahat dulu

Friday, August 29, 2008

ramadhan kalau g tanggal 1, tanggal2
debugging critical bug
nggak bisa mp3,"Cannot find codec 'dvaudio' in libavcodec...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

great jquery form plugin http://ping.fm/lWPzY
learning how to make ajax form submit with jquery

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baca Bola edisi khusus liga spanyol
having fun with jquery
super capek, jadi hari ini g kerja dulu, insyaalloh besok lebih segar

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

naruto text spoiler, http://ping.fm/nUdjM
akun bolanews.com expired atau di hack ya?, jadi ndak bisa baca bola gratis
enough for today
PSM ganti pelatih, Raja Isa, Rudi didepak
is debugging jquery app

Monday, August 25, 2008

hapus semua rss feed dan to read list, biar lega. baca yang penting2 aja
is using jquery UI
Minggu ini2 super sibuk banyak kerjaan, mudah2an minggu depan lebih bisa santai

Sunday, August 24, 2008

berdoa mengangkat tangan setelah shalat fardhu, http://ping.fm/ZgUH6
ebook islam di http://ping.fm/vZROJ

Saturday, August 23, 2008

JQuery documentation offline
debugging ajax

Friday, August 22, 2008

time for odesk again
mo ke kantor pos, mudah2an belum tutup
reading cdsunnah functional specificaton while updating wine
uploading data to Google App Engine using BulkUploader
lagi tulis email

Thursday, August 21, 2008

online from mkom ugm
mo tidur dulu
Besok jam 7 psikotest PLN, kok pagi kali ya, biar hemat listrik mungkin
Just getting t-shirt from social median, thank you Jason Goldberg

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

migrate from prototype to jquery

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lorem Ipsum generator, http://ping.fm/PiMNg

Monday, August 18, 2008

i just got bonus $1.95 from paypal, is this normal?
I need google calendar with gears for offline access
Trying jitterbit, i think it's enterprise level for dapper.net
reading "to read" list from laterloop, Alhamdulillah
online from ugm library, reading my news feed from google reader and planning next agenda with Google Calendar
Which one is best? ExtJs or GWT or SproutCore or JQueryUI? need advice
Gila aja tu detik masa foto kayak gitu dipasang di halaman depan, tidak ada etika...
Ada lowongan dosen ITS, masukin lamaran gak ya?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

ignore fireworks, mockup for ur app, http://ping.fm/4uDNS
secret way to become jquery rock star, http://ping.fm/oz00L

Thursday, August 14, 2008

it's odd, cannot work on local dev server but works well on the cloud,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MUI, jangan hiraukan perkataan orang2 itu karna insyaalloh anda di atas AL-HAQ, http://ping.fm/jXwp8
Ayo, dukung MUI keluarkan fatwa KEHARAMAN ROKOK
Hmm, need to debug gdata-python client to find out my problem
Getting trouble with Google Calendar API, cannot create new Calendar
Sms notification on Google Calendar works well in Indonesia, using Telkomsel
it's time for Google Calendar API
TinyMCE made it's author rich, http://ping.fm/Ej5XW
Markis Hendra ke Semifinal Olimpiade
Daftar engineering career center

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

MUI Rencana haramkan rokok, alhamdulillah
Baca Bola yang terbit selasa di Bolanews.com, gratis, lumayan g usah beli

Monday, August 11, 2008

indian startup resource, maybe useful http://ping.fm/C67jZ
Alhamdulillah, bulk uploader has already finished
Ternyata semalam GMAIL down
Alhamdulillah, scholarscamp is alive, http://ping.fm/yKqmB

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Satu emas buat Indonesia
now, Heroku offer custom domain for Free
Writing BulkLoader for Google App Engine
bekal ramadhan http://ping.fm/OKrtx
”Apabila salah seorang dari kalian sedang
berpuasa, maka janganlah mengumpat
(yarfuts) dan jangan pula membentak-bentak
(yaskhob). Apabila ada seorang yang mencela
atau menganiayanya, maka katakanlah :
sesungguhnya aku seorang yang sedang
berpuasa.” (muttafaq ’alayhi).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Maaak, surabaya-makassar paling murah 700 ribu, bisa bangkrut aku, terpaksa naik kapal laut aja
startup news from India, http://www.pluggd.in/
Cari tiket buat mudik, yang paling murah berapa ya?
How to repair broken mp3 file?
How does a hacker choose laptop? http://ping.fm/GqVD3
ngisi tts.kampungsunnah.org biar dapat ebook sifat sholat nabi tiga jilid gratis

Friday, August 8, 2008

Alhamdulillah language choice feature complete
Oalah ternyata gara2 itu to
PyDev can be used to debug Django
AppEngine Django still doesn't support session, can not use Internazionalization dynamically
lahir di arab, besar di arab, tapi tidak bisa bahasa arab, nama ny apa ya?
Reading www2007 conference paper
Can not make localization to Indonesia in Django, it is not supported
Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, ternyata gara2 "Fuzzy".

Thursday, August 7, 2008

getting some trouble with django internationalization
Internationalization in DJango is pretty straightforward
Balsamiq MockUp, microsoft word for developer, http://ping.fm/zRYUM
Help wikia search, http://ping.fm/ijvhZ
Pajak boleh atau tidak ya?
Capeek, habis dari UGM, mo istirahat dulu

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Friendster want to open office in Indonesia
Van Rossum interview http://ping.fm/kPJdq
quiz for sifat shalat nabi http://ping.fm/W3lxH

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

downloading paper from www2007.org
placing widget kajian.org and radiorodja.com to my blog
Masyaalloh, kajian.org dibuat pake Google Calendar & wufoo. Keren, kayaknya perlu kenalan sama yang buat nih
Funny, the man who sell GNU/LInux to Microsoft
Yahoo service that i love, Yahoo Boss, YDN, Yslow, and YuiGridBuilder, http://ping.fm/4jmcR
it's time to work, bismillahirrohmanirrohim
Cloud computing service based on Virtualization technology http://ping.fm/uaFy8
Trying new delicious
Downloading oscon slides

Monday, August 4, 2008

Just finishing see "mereka bertanya tentang manhaj salaf" from vcd, great talk from Ustadz Abdul Hakim bin Amir Abdat and Ustadz Abu Qatadah

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Alhamdulillah akhirnya akte kelahiran ku nyampe juga, it's because Alloh subhanawataala then thanks to TIKI as the carrier
eh...not odeks but odesk.com, http://www.odesk.com/w/
Taking java and wordpress certification on Odeks
Testing time constraint feature..., it's so long.....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jangan bekerja di instansi perpajakan, http://ping.fm/Abgbm

Friday, August 1, 2008

wanita haid boleh berdiam di masjid, berdasarkan hadis aisyah yang sedang haid ketika berhaji bersama Rasulullah sallahualaihiwasallam
reading http://ping.fm/hPiLG
Looking for good machine learning book
ternyata tidak boleh menjamak shalat jumat dan shalat ashar http://ping.fm/V5O9k

Thursday, July 31, 2008

fixing critical bug
Alhamdulilllah one module complete, thanks to Alloh subhanawataala then dive into python book and it's contributors
How to get form value from bound form?
Alhamdulillah solved, just using ordinary query
How to get reference to parent object, where querying GAE model?
Belajar Islam, http://ping.fm/8VqRm
Listening luma'tul i'tiqod
Hmmm, it seems this is time for Machine Learning in addition to Yahoo Boss
AppEngine disallow long url, so how will i use advance REST API?
"pass" is unique keyword in python, never see it on language i know before (C, C++, Java, Php)
Doing experiment with Yahoo Boss

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ok, just finish breakfast, it's time to work again
mo, makan sarapan pecel madiun dulu
ok, enough reading news. it's time to work, bismillahirrohmairrohim
reading online newspaper
Intel is not dominant in microprocessor world, http://ping.fm/bGwmP
Wow, Google acquire Omnisio
using laterloop to save article which i found interesting from hacker news
daurah masyayikh http://ping.fm/5fKdk
commit changes to subversion server
Custom Validation on Django..
Download vcd mereka bertanya tentang manhaj salaf di sini:http://ping.fm/LMfvU
Just ping...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

debugging django
it's time to work, bismillahirrohmanirrohim
Alhamdulillah, i know what's wrong, it's because MultiValueFIeld, hmmm...
Got strange Error from django, need to rediscover again...
pingfm is awesome, great service, what if they add support status sync on Yahoo Mesenger, gtalk, and friendster
just setup account on ping.fm

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

7 Benefit of Scholarship Social Bookmarking

In this article, I will give you some sight about the benefits of ScholarsCamp as a scholarship social bookmarking sites. Well, there are seven point I can tell you. But I believe that someday it will increase automatically as you gain more experience on this sites. Here we go ….

1. Save your bookmarks online.

If you are a mobile and dynamic person. I bet you don’t want to bring your heavy-dusty PC (even laptop) everywhere. Rather complaining your left behind-bookmarked URL in your browser, why not save it online for free. Yes, you can use ScholarsCamp simply for this. Thanks.

2. Collective Intelligence; Think of it, Thanks for it.

Those URL which you and other users had saved into us will become ScholarsCamp’s data. Since this data is a human-generated data, chances are that they are better than machine-generated. Still, the best robot in this universe is us, human. Not Aibo, Asimo nor Google spider.

3. See what your friends have Voted.

You can see what scholarships your friends had voted. This will tell you stuff they like or not. Anyway, your friends won’t vote things they don’t like. Do they? Just don’t forget, they also can see you.

4. Send your friends scholarships information you have.

“Yahooooooo … I found a great scholarships,” you said. Now, because you are a nice guy, why don’t you send this information to your friends via email. ScholarsCamp has an interface to make you easily do that. Go on … try it. You will become a hero. Without flying or webbing on the top of Manhattan. All you need is an account in here. So simple.

5. See what scholarship that gain popularity and what is not.

Unpopular stuff doesn’t mean bad, yet a popular one off course has something worth enough to be checked. So check it. See it. Perhaps what is good for many people here is good for you too. Don’t worry. Everything is free in ScholarsCamp. You can prove it.

6. Read and reread information about scholarships

A scholarship is actually not just about terms or requirements. It is also about something that perhaps you can’t find on brochures such as; administering your passport, doing consultation, how good (or bad) supervisor’s attitude, the service from the scholarships provider, culture of place, pre-test, ex-student history, testimony from students, etc. if you find something useful that brochure didn’t tell you, just add your information by submitting comment in to this site. People will thank you very much because of this. The truth is out there (out of brochure).

7. Let those scholarships come to you.

Probably, this is what many of you are waiting for. The intelligence that will deliver all stuff which suit your data into your account. Yet, the show has not begin. Please be patient. Our CTO is still working on it.

Monday, January 14, 2008

what is a social bookmarking

Some people ask me; what is a social bookmarking? Here is the answer. A brief one:

Social bookmarking is the practice of of saving bookmarks to a public website and “tagging” them with keywords. Meanwhile bookmarking is the action of saving the address of a web site you like to visit in the future on your computer via browser like Opera, Firefox, Safari, or IE.

To create a collection of social bookmarks, you can join and register to social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, ScholarsCamp, Furl, BlinkList, StumbleUpon, Magnolia, etc. These sites lets you store bookmarks, add tags that suit to your taste, and organize bookmarks as a public or private. Some of them, like ScholarsCamp also features a social network capability for you. Means that you can do things like add others user as your friend, send them message or information, show your collection of bookmarks, and a lot like that.

Visitors of social bookmarking sites can search for resources by keyword, person, or popularity and see the public bookmarks, tags, and classification (sometimes category) that registered users have created and saved.

One of the interesting part of the social bookmarking is that some of them are build with a specific target audience and bookmarks. For examples, Citeulike is a special social bookmarking sites for academic paper. Meanwhile ScholarsCamp is a lovely social bookmarking that specially designed and maintained to organize all information about scholarship; the scholarships information, the articles about scholarships, competition for scholars, and much more.

That’s all folks. Have a nice bookmarks and happy tagging.

send your feedback to:



How To Get Started in ScholarsCamp

In my first articles, I have told you briefly about what social bookmarking is. Now, it is time for me to guide you on how to get started with this brand new sites, ScholarsCamp. Oh yeah, by the way, ScholarsCamp is the first social bookmarking site that is specially build to organize your collection of scholarship informations, articles, awards, or even competitions.

Okay, here we go:

1. First Step

Sign in

It is easy and simple to sign up and get an account here. Just click register and fill all the form there. No we don’t need that much. Though we only need four things about you. Username (what your account in here is), your email, your password, and that weird password again. That’s it.

2. Second Step


After you get that lovely account, now you can log in into your profile here. There are a bunch of activities you can do when you have already jump into your profile. Check this out:

1. Personal Info

This is the section where you can see information about yourself. There are some subsection here and I bet you already familiar with these. Here they are:

1) View my friends

The list of others ScholarsCamp member you’ve already add as your friend.

2) View people who’ve added me as a friend

The list of your would-become-friend. If you have becoming Friendster user, you must know this section; this is the friend request section.

3) Search Users

Of course you know what this section mean to you. Don’t push me explain it to scholars like you .

2. Submitted

The list of bookmarked information that belong to you. Well, how many stuff had you add? Since this is an online social bookmarking, you don’t depend on your browser. Instead, you will gain flexibility to access it online for 24/7 worldwide as long as you have the internet connection.

3. Reputable

This is place for your stuff which gain popularity here. Congratulation, your information must be cool enough. But if you don’t have one. Please don’t be sad. Keep trying to submit and voting it too.

4. Upcoming

Before your information take place in Reputable area, it must have been landed here. Come on, move on …. you said. Well, I hear that.

5. Commented

This is a 2.0 era, static content is not good enough. When you get your stuff being commented. It is a good sign; people have interest on you and your information. The more comment you get, the more popular you are. Believe me.

6. Voted

Do you voted on something here? If yes, those voted stuff will be placed here. Happy vote. Clicking is easy, voting is another.

7. Saved

This is for the stuff you have saved. But Wait a minute?

What’s the different between Voted and Saved. Well, stuff you saved will not affect the popularity of that stuff itself. Meanwhile Voted will. Besides, if you have saved some stuffs, it means that you can Voted for it later. Now, you know it.

8. Modify

If you want to change things you already filled in, use this section. There are 13 things you can change here but I know that you don’t use them all. For example; I’ll put my data on:

Real name : Wim Permana
Public email : wimkhan@yahoo.com
Homepage : http://wimpermana.web.ugm.ac.id/
Location : Indonesia
Occupation : CEO
Yahoo : wimkhan
Google talk : wimkhan

and that’s all. I’ll left another empty. That’s not a big deal. Last but note least, you can change your avatar too. Anytime you like. Just click Modify button; Browse your picture; Upload Image; and then Save it.

3. Third Step

Explore The Content

1. Homepage

Left side of ScholarsCamp homepage is the list of stuff that have been submitted by users. This links can give you an instant information about scholarships information.

2. Search Form

Imagine Google which index nothing but scholarship information. Well, that is what ScholarsCamp might also want to be. Use the search to instantly find the content that suit with your keyword. It means, if you searching with “Harvard” as a keyword then you’ll get stuff that have relation with Harvard. So, happy searching ….

3. Tags

In social bookmarking sites, users need to tag all stuff they have submitted. You can access this tags in right panel of this homepage. Some popular tags are Scholarship, New, and Competitions. Hmmm, don’t like this tags. Create some new one. Go ahead. Your tags will help other users to identify your stuff easily. For example; tag your information with Harvard if this stuff is a scholarship from this 1st university in USA. Tag it easy ….

4. Fourth Step

Now enjoy it ….. thank’s!

The New Way to Find Scholarship on The Net

ScholarsCamp is a lovely social bookmarking designed to help scholars and institution to meet each other via scholarship. Yes, you right. It is some kind of Digg or Delicious which specially develop and maintain to organize information about scholarship from around the world in 24/7.

The idea is so simple; if you are a scholar, it seems that you want a source of structured information about scholarship that meet with your academic spec. At the same time, institution or foundation which provide scholarships want to be see by people all over the world, especially by the scholars themself.

Just like any other social bookmarking service, ScholarsCamp works very simple. Here we comes;

1. Discover/Publish

Find a scholarship or some and vote it directly to ScholarsCamp.com. Your submission will appear in “Recent Scholarship”. Well, others visitors or members can see it too and if they consider your scholarship worthy enough to be voted, they will vote for it!

If you are an institution (schools, universities, foundation, etc), you may submit your scholarship directly so that it can be find by a lot of potential visitors easily. Thanks, I know you will love it. Viva yourself!

2. Select

Let’s Vote.

Neither Bush nor Kerry nor anybody. But Harvard or Yale or even both.
Please Vote as many as you like but please be responsible.
“Don’t do evil,” said Google and “Only evil vote the evil,” said ScholarsCamp to scholars. You know what we meant. Remember, your friend can view all scholarships you voted.

Pack it.

When you find scholarship with out-dated due date or deadlines. Tell people by Packing it. This is the power of community, you can save people times by eliminating scholarships (or information) which is irrelevant. For example; Harvard give a scholarship which deadline is on September, 27th 2007, if you still read this scholarship on the next day then Pack it anyway. Even though it’s Harvard. People will love you. Even though they can’t see how sweet you are. Unfortunately.

3. Share

Building a network among scholars is not that hard to imagine. Don’t we? Invite others scholars or perhaps somebody you called it “the scholarship hunters” and add them to your ScholarsCamp list. This will make your network member being able to see what you’ve voted and vice versa. Well, if you have a gang outside there then creating such network here is such a good thing to do. Imagine a gang who is so obsessively to find the best scholarship on earth. Wow, our parents will do love that.

Use Email. Send other scholars. Yeah, but don’t forget your; mom, dad, brothers, sisters, aunt, uncles, husband, wife, and what about your ENEMIES (perhaps as a medium of apologize) the scholarship you vote.

4. Discuss
Discuss every single thing you like or dislike about scholarship. Word it! Don’t be afraid to say something true. If it is to be the only truth you have. Help other scholars who need your help. Though you never met him/her anyway. One little help from you sometimes could generate another help for the same problem or question.

5. Enough

Pronounce this six letter when you can’t find what you’re looking for. Just like any other medium of information, ScholarsCamp is only a craft by human like you too. We think it would never become such a place where you always find what you want. Not even Google or Yahoo or anything else. We’re proudly sorry about this.

Founder and CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

I am an ordinary boy with an extraordinary vision, just like you there. I thought that I have a very good talent in writing, speaking, reading, and of course dreaming. In 2007, my friend (the cofounder of ScholarsCamp) tell me about something called startup. Well, he give me a link to Paul Graham sites. Then I visit it; I read it; I think about it; I love it. Finally, I said to my self,Why don’t start a startup by my self?”

Since then, I always dreaming to become something like Woz, Jobs, Page, Brin, or Gates. Sounds very interesting, yet illusory too. ScholarsCamp is, I believe to be a medium for me to express my self. Hmmm, I hope you will like this kind of short story about me. Anyway, i also wrote a poems too. Enjoy it here.

If you have anything to say about me or this site (suggestions, comments, praise, corrections, errors, product announcement, etc.), please send me email to wim@scholarscamp.com


Founder and CTO (Chief Technology Officer)

You can call him Fuad. Simple, like the guy itself. Fuad is the cofounder and developer, the only one. His responsibility is to make sure that all the feature will be clean from bugs. We know if that’s impossible, but as the time goes by we know that it would decrease too.

Fuad is one of the G-SOC (Google Summer of Code) champion in 2007. He wrote an eclipse’s plugin that could make its user build the Joomla’s component easily.

If you have anything to say about him, please send him email at fuad@ScholarsCamp.com