Thursday, July 31, 2008

fixing critical bug
Alhamdulilllah one module complete, thanks to Alloh subhanawataala then dive into python book and it's contributors
How to get form value from bound form?
Alhamdulillah solved, just using ordinary query
How to get reference to parent object, where querying GAE model?
Belajar Islam,
Listening luma'tul i'tiqod
Hmmm, it seems this is time for Machine Learning in addition to Yahoo Boss
AppEngine disallow long url, so how will i use advance REST API?
"pass" is unique keyword in python, never see it on language i know before (C, C++, Java, Php)
Doing experiment with Yahoo Boss

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ok, just finish breakfast, it's time to work again
mo, makan sarapan pecel madiun dulu
ok, enough reading news. it's time to work, bismillahirrohmairrohim
reading online newspaper
Intel is not dominant in microprocessor world,
Wow, Google acquire Omnisio
using laterloop to save article which i found interesting from hacker news
daurah masyayikh
commit changes to subversion server
Custom Validation on Django..
Download vcd mereka bertanya tentang manhaj salaf di sini:
Just ping...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

debugging django
it's time to work, bismillahirrohmanirrohim
Alhamdulillah, i know what's wrong, it's because MultiValueFIeld, hmmm...
Got strange Error from django, need to rediscover again...
pingfm is awesome, great service, what if they add support status sync on Yahoo Mesenger, gtalk, and friendster
just setup account on