Sunday, August 31, 2008

working with pencil again
time to work
downloading operating system book
it's official shaum is today, 1st september 2008
programming language review by google's engineer,
nunggu dosen
kok belum ada pengumuman awal puasa dari depag ya..., still waiting for "ulil amri" decision
watching arsenal vs newcastle highlight
is writing javascript app with jquery, (it's very fun lol)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

nanti sore jangan lupa nonton tv atau liat situs, biar tau ramadhan besok atau lusa
Senin, masuk jam 7 lagi
akan tetapi sangatjarang mereka itu mengambil satu ayat atau sepenggal hadits (sebagai dasar atau rujukan) kecuali sekedar untuk tabarruk (mengharapkan berkah)
Alhamdulillah, success creating php script that contains rich text editor (my friend asked me to teach him about this)
writing php script that incorporate rich text editor stuff
olahraga2 yang terlarang,
first ping to friendster
olahraga-olahraga yang terlarang,
ngantuk, mo istirahat dulu

Friday, August 29, 2008

ramadhan kalau g tanggal 1, tanggal2
debugging critical bug
nggak bisa mp3,"Cannot find codec 'dvaudio' in libavcodec...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

great jquery form plugin
learning how to make ajax form submit with jquery

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baca Bola edisi khusus liga spanyol
having fun with jquery
super capek, jadi hari ini g kerja dulu, insyaalloh besok lebih segar

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

naruto text spoiler,
akun expired atau di hack ya?, jadi ndak bisa baca bola gratis
enough for today
PSM ganti pelatih, Raja Isa, Rudi didepak
is debugging jquery app

Monday, August 25, 2008

hapus semua rss feed dan to read list, biar lega. baca yang penting2 aja
is using jquery UI
Minggu ini2 super sibuk banyak kerjaan, mudah2an minggu depan lebih bisa santai

Sunday, August 24, 2008

berdoa mengangkat tangan setelah shalat fardhu,
ebook islam di

Saturday, August 23, 2008

JQuery documentation offline
debugging ajax

Friday, August 22, 2008

time for odesk again
mo ke kantor pos, mudah2an belum tutup
reading cdsunnah functional specificaton while updating wine
uploading data to Google App Engine using BulkUploader
lagi tulis email

Thursday, August 21, 2008

online from mkom ugm
mo tidur dulu
Besok jam 7 psikotest PLN, kok pagi kali ya, biar hemat listrik mungkin
Just getting t-shirt from social median, thank you Jason Goldberg

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

migrate from prototype to jquery

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lorem Ipsum generator,

Monday, August 18, 2008

i just got bonus $1.95 from paypal, is this normal?
I need google calendar with gears for offline access
Trying jitterbit, i think it's enterprise level for
reading "to read" list from laterloop, Alhamdulillah
online from ugm library, reading my news feed from google reader and planning next agenda with Google Calendar
Which one is best? ExtJs or GWT or SproutCore or JQueryUI? need advice
Gila aja tu detik masa foto kayak gitu dipasang di halaman depan, tidak ada etika...
Ada lowongan dosen ITS, masukin lamaran gak ya?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

ignore fireworks, mockup for ur app,
secret way to become jquery rock star,

Thursday, August 14, 2008

it's odd, cannot work on local dev server but works well on the cloud,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MUI, jangan hiraukan perkataan orang2 itu karna insyaalloh anda di atas AL-HAQ,
Ayo, dukung MUI keluarkan fatwa KEHARAMAN ROKOK
Hmm, need to debug gdata-python client to find out my problem
Getting trouble with Google Calendar API, cannot create new Calendar
Sms notification on Google Calendar works well in Indonesia, using Telkomsel
it's time for Google Calendar API
TinyMCE made it's author rich,
Markis Hendra ke Semifinal Olimpiade
Daftar engineering career center

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

MUI Rencana haramkan rokok, alhamdulillah
Baca Bola yang terbit selasa di, gratis, lumayan g usah beli

Monday, August 11, 2008

indian startup resource, maybe useful
Alhamdulillah, bulk uploader has already finished
Ternyata semalam GMAIL down
Alhamdulillah, scholarscamp is alive,

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Satu emas buat Indonesia
now, Heroku offer custom domain for Free
Writing BulkLoader for Google App Engine
bekal ramadhan
”Apabila salah seorang dari kalian sedang
berpuasa, maka janganlah mengumpat
(yarfuts) dan jangan pula membentak-bentak
(yaskhob). Apabila ada seorang yang mencela
atau menganiayanya, maka katakanlah :
sesungguhnya aku seorang yang sedang
berpuasa.” (muttafaq ’alayhi).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Maaak, surabaya-makassar paling murah 700 ribu, bisa bangkrut aku, terpaksa naik kapal laut aja
startup news from India,
Cari tiket buat mudik, yang paling murah berapa ya?
How to repair broken mp3 file?
How does a hacker choose laptop?
ngisi biar dapat ebook sifat sholat nabi tiga jilid gratis

Friday, August 8, 2008

Alhamdulillah language choice feature complete
Oalah ternyata gara2 itu to
PyDev can be used to debug Django
AppEngine Django still doesn't support session, can not use Internazionalization dynamically
lahir di arab, besar di arab, tapi tidak bisa bahasa arab, nama ny apa ya?
Reading www2007 conference paper
Can not make localization to Indonesia in Django, it is not supported
Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, ternyata gara2 "Fuzzy".

Thursday, August 7, 2008

getting some trouble with django internationalization
Internationalization in DJango is pretty straightforward
Balsamiq MockUp, microsoft word for developer,
Help wikia search,
Pajak boleh atau tidak ya?
Capeek, habis dari UGM, mo istirahat dulu

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Friendster want to open office in Indonesia
Van Rossum interview
quiz for sifat shalat nabi

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

downloading paper from
placing widget and to my blog
Masyaalloh, dibuat pake Google Calendar & wufoo. Keren, kayaknya perlu kenalan sama yang buat nih
Funny, the man who sell GNU/LInux to Microsoft
Yahoo service that i love, Yahoo Boss, YDN, Yslow, and YuiGridBuilder,
it's time to work, bismillahirrohmanirrohim
Cloud computing service based on Virtualization technology
Trying new delicious
Downloading oscon slides

Monday, August 4, 2008

Just finishing see "mereka bertanya tentang manhaj salaf" from vcd, great talk from Ustadz Abdul Hakim bin Amir Abdat and Ustadz Abu Qatadah

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Alhamdulillah akhirnya akte kelahiran ku nyampe juga, it's because Alloh subhanawataala then thanks to TIKI as the carrier
eh...not odeks but,
Taking java and wordpress certification on Odeks
Testing time constraint feature..., it's so long.....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jangan bekerja di instansi perpajakan,

Friday, August 1, 2008

wanita haid boleh berdiam di masjid, berdasarkan hadis aisyah yang sedang haid ketika berhaji bersama Rasulullah sallahualaihiwasallam
Looking for good machine learning book
ternyata tidak boleh menjamak shalat jumat dan shalat ashar